IYC Sail Club

The Club owns three Harbor 20s. Members may use these boats for the weekly sailboat races,  social sailing, or as charters for touring Charlotte Harbor. The Harbor 20s are managed by the IYC Sailing Club (ISC).

IYC Charity Cup Regatta Article

Click HERE to read the article about the 2022 IYC Charity Cup Regatta.

The IYC Sailing Club promotes sailing proficiency and training of members of the Isles Yacht Club. Click HERE to learn about the IYC sailing programs.

Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room.
Click HERE to view the April 2024 Meeting Minutes

ISC Charter Membership: Not Required/Optional for Social Sailing or Leisure Chartering.
ISC Charter Lifetime Membership: $500. Grants ISC Voting & Race Charter privileges.
Members charter boats during daylight hours as long as other Club activities are not scheduled.

Please make reservations for charters throught the front office and be sure to sign the boats out with the Dockmaster's office before leaving the dock.

Harbor 20 Saturday Races Biweekly – November through March
IYC Charity Cup Regatta – March
Local  Regattas – November through March
Harbor 20 Weekly Social Sailing – Wednesday Mornings & Afternoons.

(Click below to access a PDF file)
Club Owned Harbor 20 Procedures, Rules & Regs
Harbor 20 Checkout Procedures
Club Boats - Release of Liability forms

Click HERE to view the WD Shock article featuring the IYC H20 Fleet.

Click HERE to view Support Boat Procedures

Click HERE to view.

Click HERE for the 2024-2025 Harbor 20 Race Schedule

Christi Van Heek

Michael Mixson

Rick Rieger

Scott Schoettley

Social Sailing is "just for the fun of it,” no racing, every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Social Sailing is a great way to enjoy a relaxed ride OR an opportunity to learn how to sail the Harbor 20s. Register online or with the IYC office.

Click the photo be re-directed to the IYC Flickr photo gallery.


2024 IYC Charity Cup Regatta

Click HERE for the Notice of Race
Click HERE for the Sailing Instructions
Click HERE for the Entry Form
*Please contact the IYC Front Office if you'd like to attend the IYC Charity Cup Celebration & Awards Dinner on Saturday, March 23*

2023 IYC Charity Cup Regatta Results

Saturday, March 25

Click HERE for the Notice of Race 
Click HERE for Sailing Instructions
Click HERE for the Entry Form

2022 IYC Charity Cup Regatta Results
Saturday, March 19, 2022
IYC Charity Cup Regatta Results

2024 Mid-Winter Regatta
Saturday, February 17

Notice of Race
Entry Form
Sailing Instructions
Click HERE to view the Championship Series NOR
Click HERE for the Championship Series Entry Form
Click HERE to view Championship Series Sailing Instructions
Click HERE for the US Sailing Hearing Request Form

2023/2024 Race Results
Click HERE to view the 2023/2024 Race Results 11/04/23
Click HERE to view the 2023/2024 Race Results 11/18/23
Click HERE to view the 2023/2024 Race Results 12/09/23

Click HERE to view the 2023/2024 Championship Series Standings

2022/2023 Race Results
Click HERE to view the 2022/2023 Championship Winter Series 1/07/23 race results.
Click HERE to view the 2022/2023 Championship Winter Series 1/14/23 race results.
Click HERE to view the 2022/2023 Championship Winter Series 2/11/23 race results.
Click HERE to view the 2022/2023 Championship Winter Series 3/18/23 race results.
Click HERE to view the 2022/2023 Championship Winter Series 4/01/23 race results.

Click HERE to view the 2022/2023 Championship Winter Series Standings.

Click HERE to be redirected to Roger Strube’s YouTube page where he has many videos posted of Harbor 20s racing locally.

Click HERE to view narrated drone video of Harbor 20’s racing in California in a championship regatta.

Click HERE to view IYC Club-owned Harbor 20 checkout procedures.
Reefing the H20
Click HERE for step by step instructions.

H20 Spinnaker Handling
Click HERE for guidelines.